ARISE homelessness committee
The Homelessness Committee at Arise for Social Justice is made up of Arise members working to address homelessness issues in Springfield.
Many of our members, and some of our staff, are formerly homeless themselves, and understand the challenges that face our communities when it comes to finding affordable housing, and navigating the process of shelter. Our Homelessness Committee works to bring awareness to these issues, advocates for and guides community members through these complicated processes, and pushes for new, more fair, and just policies to end homelessness. We also work to hold landlords accountable and ensure shelters treat people fairly.
We are working to promote the right to housing and shelter, including changing state regulations which deny shelter to homeless families; and forcing Springfield policymakers to develop a housing plan which meets the needs of all people, including a developing a Housing Task Force Coalition.
To learn more, or to get involved, contact the Arise Homelessness Organizer Johnie Sanders at Johnie@arisespringfield.org or call the Arise office at 413-734-4948.
To learn more, or to get involved, contact the Arise Homelessness Organizer Johnie Sanders at Johnie@arisespringfield.org, or call the Arise office at 413-734-4948.