Arise Criminal Justice Committee
The Injustice Liberation Front
The Injustice Liberation Front (ILF) is the Criminal Justice Committee of Arise. The mission of the ILF is: Stop Police brutality; work for police accountability; and for transparency from the police department; and justice for the people.
The ILF focuses on addressing and stopping police brutality, participating in court solidarity actions, and maintaining connections and working with lawyers from the community who are committed to defending the civil and human rights of victims of the criminal justice system. We aim to create a climate of resistance to abuses of authority by the police institution, ultimately creating a movement among our community that brings it to an end. The ILF works to create community conditions that make the police less and less relevant. We support transformative justice practices to address community harms.
For many years, the ILF advocated for the reinstatement of the Springfield Police Commission to achieve a more fair system for the lodging of complaints against, and subsequent discipline of, police officers. The Commission was tentatively reinstated in 2016, with the support of many community organizations and elected officials.
To learn more or get involved, contact Arise ILF Organizer, Ellen Graves at Ellen@arisespringfield.org or call our office, 413-734-4948.
UPcoming events
There are no upcoming events at this time. Stay tuned!
To learn more or get involved, contact Arise ILF Organizer, Ellen Graves at Ellen@ariseSpringfield.org or call our office, 413-734-4948.